KL is lots more like what I was expecting from a large Asian city than Singapore - It's dirty and chaotic with lots going on to keep us on our toes. Kerry felt at home because we found a 'Marks and Spencers' and a 'Debenhams'. Her new sandles have taken the skin off the backs of her feet. We are looking around for a 3rd pair to complete the hatrick.
After an unsuccessful attempt to go up to he Pertronas Towers bridge yesterday morning (we queued for 20 minutes before bailing out as we needed to get to the airport for a flight at 11.10am. Kerry is at pains to point out that I, not her got the wrong flight time in my head...) We took the airport train. 'No Worries', we were thinking as we took it in turns to freshen up in the train's bathroom (which was far nicer than the one at the place we had stayed the night before - 'Le Village'). We arrived at the airport at 10.30 ready to check in, only to be told that they had built a separate terminal for us 'Air Asia' cattle class passengers - 12km away. We were to go down to the ground floor and take a bus. 'Will we make it?' we asked, 'Of Course!' was the reply. So we rushed, heavily loaded down to said level, located the correct bay and jumped onto the awaiting bus, engine idling. Once we were on and seated, the driver promptly left the bus to relieve himself. 10 minutes later ('we can still make it!' I was thinking to myself) he came back, got himslf a drink and setttled down for a bit of a rest in the passenger terminal....
...Suffice to say, we missed our flight. Luckily there was another later that afternoon. It cost twice as much as we had originally paid, but what can you do?
On a lighter note, Kota Kinabalu seems to be pretty nice. Still very hot, but a lot more chilled out than KL...
We are still discovering that there it is too hot to rush in Asia. Mental note to leave plenty of time for the next flight...
Have a good time mate.